by Barry Lotz | Apr 24, 2017 | Blog, Equipment Reviews, PGTTA REVIEWS
One of the advantages of playing golf at this time in our lives is that the technology has been so innovative and productive. Wedges, next to putters, are perhaps the most result producing clubs in your golf bag. The best way to optimize spin is to improve how the...
by Barry Lotz | Feb 28, 2017 | Blog, Equipment Reviews, Reviews
Part Two The 2017 PGA Merchandise Show in Orlando, FL attracted golf buyers and sellers from around the world to drive a 3 percent increase in overall attendance. The top five countries (outside of U.S.) represented in attendance were Canada, United Kingdom, Japan,...
by Barry Lotz | Feb 22, 2017 | Blog, Equipment Reviews, Reviews
Part One It’s really a great time to be a golfer! The technology, just over the past 5 years, has changed radically. The key point is that with all the new products, whether balls, irons, drivers, shoes, putters or wedges, you can and must be custom fitted. Take...
by Barry Lotz | Feb 8, 2017 | Blog
by Barry Lotz | Jan 24, 2017 | Blog, Equipment Reviews, News, PGTTA REVIEWS
There is one golf manufacturer who is pioneering/upgrading/updating an old concept that CAN make golf a game that is more enjoyable and thereby grow the game. Cobra Golf and their Single-Length Irons. Using the K.I.S.S. (Keep It Superbly Simple), single–length irons...