Make Winter time Productive For Your Golf Game

Make Winter time Productive For Your Golf Game

If you live in an area where winter means cold temperatures, rain, sleet, snow and wind, your golf game may be tucked safely in the back of your mind. While that’s understandable it is still a time to prepare for when the weather takes a turn for the better. Here are...

Michael Shing Testimonial

Dear Dr. Lotz, I just want to advise you that I have recently been employed by “The Link’s at Land’s End” golf course in Yantis, Texas (Lake Fork) as Master Teaching Professional. I am also a Master Club Fitter and Club Maker. I have been...

James R. Carpenter, Jr. Testimonial

Dear Barry, Today was a very exciting day for me, as I received the PGTAA’s blessing to proceed with teaching the game of golf with proper credentials I can be proud of. I want to thank you personally for your guidance throughout the course. I especially want to...