by Barry Lotz | Nov 13, 2018 | Blog
What a great way to spend a weekend! The Temecula area – long known for its many award-winning wineries, temperate weather and abundant golf opportunities – is less than a two-hour drive from the Los Angeles basin and about an hour from the major airports in San Diego...
by Barry Lotz | Oct 14, 2018 | Blog
The Holiday Season is upon us, so I’ve put together some ideas for products that would make great gifts for golfers. I’ve included several products ranging in price from $8.99 – $620.00. Part Two will appear in November’s issue. Hook + Gaff Watch...
by Barry Lotz | Jul 22, 2018 | Blog
Congratulations to longtime PGTAA member Patrick Parrish. He has been nominated for the 2018 awards for Monterey Bay Chapter: Teacher of the Year Horton Smith Youth Player Development Patriot Patrick started his teaching career at Laird Small’s Pebble Beach Golf...
by Barry Lotz | Mar 15, 2018 | Blog
The GMP Fitness Golf Specialist Courses are step-by-step programs designed to teach professionals how to successfully work with the average and accomplished golfers, building from the ground up with a structured training program to improve fitness, help prevent joint...
by Barry Lotz | Mar 14, 2018 | Blog, News
What do the CareerBuilder, Farmers Insurance, Genesis Open and the Waste Management Golf Tournaments have in common? They attract droves of golfers, and especially Canadian golfers. Canadians not only are avid golfers, but also comprise many of the homeowners...
by Barry Lotz | Feb 28, 2018 | Blog, News
2018 marks our 21st year in certifying professional golf teachers. The Professional Golf Teachers Association of America (PGTAA) is acknowledged as the Premier Golf Teaching association in the world. Whether its Professional Tour players, Golf Academies...